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Tales from the depths of raising my teen daughter while reuniting her father, while seeking sanity - and myself, potty mouth, spiritual off the beaten path, and all that goes with it...This is our story.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

So here's the scoop.......

Yesterday was the most intense day I have had in a very long time.

It started the night before, while M (my daughter) and I were still getting our hair cut, getting cheaper gas in Minnesota, and celebrating her incredible decision to shave her head rather than get a new do to support a friend only slightly older than she is who has cancer.

We got home to find that Cinders - the dog I "share" with L, an older man who is in Florida and we are keeping her until he gets home - had bit Sophie, our little cat.  R (my husband), had stayed right there while Cinders cleaned the pan he put down for her, but neglected to pick up the pan before leaving the room.  Oh, holy hell.  What a horror.  He got her in the face, and she was in not great shape.

I made an appointment at the vet for her at the same time as M's appointment in the same building.

My friend Sarah stopped by.  Now Sarah, like me, is a bit "woo-woo", and by that we both have experienced that Spirit is far more than any church wants us to know.  So we are sitting around talking, and she does some Reiki on Sophie.  Sophie was sniffing at her hands, and then turning away.  Then Sophie moved a little bit away. Then she moved another few inches, and Sarah didn't follow with her hands.  She kept her hands at a distance then, and Sophie settled down.  Not long after Sarah stopped, Soph moved back towards her, got on her lap, and curled up.  Sophie doesn't do that, by the way.  Not outside of the three of us who live here.

So my house was buzzing with energy none of us are used to having.  Which is probably what made the next thing happen.

R, M, Sarah and me are sitting there talking, and I felt the need to share something that even my husband of 22 years didn't know about me.  And forgiveness, along with many, many tears, swept over me.  And I no longer feel my stomach clench when it crosses my mind.  I miss my mom, but I know she is absolutely still with me - I've known that always - but to feel her forgiveness over this one moment we shared three years before she died was something I never want to forget.

Sophie's trip to the vet was successful, if not cheap in any way.  It could have been worse, for sure.  They sedated her and flushed out the sinus cavity, which helped immensely.  They cleaned up the wound under her left eye.  Sent her home with a feeding syringe, pain meds, antibiotic liquid, and told me to buy baby food to get her eating and hydrated.  Kept her in the cage for a while, until the sedation wore off enough we didn't have to worry about her falling or getting hurt, and she chowed down with Theo - her protector - wanting at that GOOD food.

And Cinders?  Oh, she was SO happy to see Sophie come home.  They touched noses and nuzzled.  Just do not ever expect a canine to lose it's instinct, no matter how much it loves the cat.

I have to work tomorrow, and all this excitement - in addition to some that is not posted here because this is public and it's no business of anyone other than my close friends - kicked my ass.  I'm being nice to myself today, and Russ is going to pick up some DayQuil for me so I can make it to work tomorrow!

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